The Story Of Yabby

The Yabby (Geosensing component) was developed in 2020 by three passionate and experienced professionals committed to improving how the application of directional drilling technology could be used to revolutionise the accuracy and reliability of geological modelling in Australian coal mining.  Efforts were then extended to the gas reservoir for direct application to gas reservoir conundrums, such as the relative efficiency of gas drainage, outburst pre-warning, and other gas-related aspects of mining safety.  This technology proved successful and applicable to any horizontal directional drill rig and thus has subsequently been expanded into non-coal applications to provide improved geological certainty and to assess formation flow metrics in a range of applications.  The Yabby is currently actively deployed in Australia and North America.

The company's success has been driven by its technical prowess and the diversity (and synergy) of skills between the three Directors (Scott Thomson, Duncan C MacDonald (DCM), and Duncan Thomson, see Management).  These three individuals have a long history of innovation in directional drilling, geology, gas reservoir assessment, and geophysics.   

At the core of our approach is a commitment to clear, knowledgeable communication. Our team-driven ethos empowers clients to make informed decisions, fostering collaborative partnerships built on trust and transparency. By simplifying complex technical data and delivering actionable insights, the team ensures that clients are not just supported but also fully involved in the decision-making process and feel confident in the subsequent decisions their new knowledge position engenders.

Collectively, the three Directors have been wrestling with the dilemmas that Yabby solves for decades and have tried many potential solutions in the past. It has taken time and a lot of reflection to arrive at the point we are now. Yabby’s story is a testament to perseverance, the power of teamwork, vision, and innovation.